
2020 - 2021

Data & IA trainer

Dev/IA Simplon Marseille promotion. RNPC level 6 certification.

IA, Machine Learning, DevWeb, DevOps.

2017 - 2020

Cofounder - Tech lead

Head of R&D, ML development.

Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, DevOps.

2017 - 2018

Developer - Data scientist

Search Engine development, machine learning integration and platform architecture design and implementation.

Machine Learning, Web Mining, Web Scraping, Big Data, Fullstack.

2013 - 2014

Software engineer

Development of an experimental collaborative Search Engine.

Information Retrieval, Web Scraping, Machine Learning, Fullstack.


Adrien Dulac, Eric Gaussier, Christine Largeron

Mixed-Membership Stochastic Block Models for Weighted Networks.

Conference and Workshop Papers, UAI, 2020.
Adrien Dulac

A study of Mixed-Membership Models for Complex Networks Analysis. (Etude des modèles à composition mixée pour l'analyse de réseaux complexes).

Books and Theses, 2018.
Myriam Tami, Marianne Clausel, Emilie Devijver, Adrien Dulac, Éric Gaussier, Stefan Janaqi, Mériam Chèbre

Dealing with Uncertain Inputs in Regression Trees.

Informal Publications, CoRR, 2018.
Adrien Dulac, Éric Gaussier, Christine Largeron

A Study of Stochastic Mixed Membership Models for Link Prediction in Social Networks.

Conference and Workshop Papers, DSAA, 2017.
Adrien Dulac, Damien Pellier, Humbert Fiorino, David Janiszek

Learning Useful Macro-actions for Planning with N-Grams.

Conference and Workshop Papers, ICTAI, 2013.


Grenoble Alps University  (UGA)

2014 - 2017
Machine Learning, Graph Theory, Data Mining, Optimization

Graduate School of engineering in Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science of Grenoble  (Phelma)

2012 - 2013

Master's Degree

Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence

Graduate School of Electronics, Computer Sciences, Telecommunications, Mathematics and Mechanics of Bordeaux  (Enseirb)

2008 - 2011

Graduate Engineering Schools

Electronics, Telecommunication

Aix-Marseille University

2005 - 2006

Preparatory Classes: two-year undergraduate intensive course in mathematics